Current Issue

Issue: 12, 12/30/24

Year: 2024


Yayın Değerlendirme

International Journal of Filologia (IJOF); It aims to present qualified scientific studies on Turkish language, culture and literature to the service of researchers according to the relevant fields and to make a contribution to the scientific and literary field, which is developing and thus updated day by day. In this context, we hope that our journal will serve as a bridge to promote our cultural treasure from the past to the present in the international community.

International Journal of Filologia (IJOF), an international peer-reviewed, scientific journal, is published twice a year, in June and December, and can also publish special issues as needed. International Journal of Filologia (IJOF),

Old Turkish Language
New Turkish Language
Old Turkish Literature
New Turkish Literature
Turkish Folk Literature
Turkish Islamic Literature
Contemporary Turkish Dialects
Turkish Language Teaching
Teaching Turkish to Foreigners
Turkish Folklore Researches
Comparative Literature
It includes all kinds of academic studies, compilations, reviews and book introductions that directly or indirectly concern the field of Turkology, language and literature.

 Click for Article Template.

Click here for Journal Writing Rules (APA-7). 

Click for Conflict of Interest / Ethics Committee Approval / Authorship Contribution Form.

Click for Copyright Transfer Form.

Click here for Publication Introduction, Criticism and Evaluation Articles.

1. General Principles
- Articles that are decided to be published are queued by making the necessary arrangements and wait to be published. Authors are informed about the issue in which the article will be published.
- An author whose article is published in the International Journal of Filologia (IJOF) will be able to publish another article in our Journal at the earliest in the third issue following the publication of the article, except for special issues. For example, an author whose article was published in the March 2021 issue of our Journal will be able to appear in our Journal with another article in the October 2022 issue at the earliest. In addition, an author should not upload another article to the system before the process related to his/her ongoing article is completed. In such a case, the other article or articles uploaded will be rejected.
- Depending on the intensity of the articles received in an issue, quota limitations are applied to faculty members from the same university or authors from the same institution.
- In order for an article to be evaluated and published in the International Journal of Filologia (IJOF), the editors must first decide on the suitability of the article for the journal. The editors may directly reject an article that they deem inappropriate or inadequate in terms of form or content without passing it through the referee process. The fact that an article receives a positive report from the referees does not mean that the article will definitely be published. The editor, editorial board or field editor may decide not to publish an article even if the referees report favourably. However, in such a case, the editor is obliged to inform the author of the reason.
- In each issue of our journal, a quota is applied for articles produced from graduate theses and publication reviews / book reviews, taking into account the number of articles in that issue.

- In case of publication of their articles, the author(s) of the journal undertake that the ethical rules are followed and that the ethical rules are observed and that all responsibility in this regard lies with the author(s).
- As of 1 January 2024, Correction Articles will not be published in our journal. Therefore, authors should check their articles meticulously after publication and submit any minor correction requests to the editor of the journal within three (3) days after publication.

2. Open Access Policy
International Journal of Filologia is an open access journal. Open access means that all content is freely available at no cost to the user or his/her institution. Without prior permission of the publisher or author, users may download, copy, print, search, link to, or use the full text of articles for reading, research, or other lawful purposes.

3. Fee Policy
International Journal of Filologia started its publication life as a free of charge ‘International Refereed Journal’ in 2018. No fee is charged for the articles submitted for publication and published in our journal.

4. Frequency of Publication
The journal is published online twice a year, in June and December. Special issues may also be published if the Editorial Board deems appropriate.
- It is recommended that articles submitted to our journal should not exceed 12,000 words and 40 pages. However, in cases where this number of words and pages must be exceeded, the journal editorial office must be notified in advance.
- If the manuscripts submitted to the journal are supported by any institution or organisation, this institution or organisation should be indicated in the manuscript.
- Studies that have been previously presented in national or international congresses or symposiums and whose abstracts have been published should be sent by indicating these qualifications.
- In case of quotation from published articles, it is obligatory to indicate the source.
- Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal will not be returned whether they are published or not.
- More than one article by the same author cannot be published in one issue.
- The author(s) undertakes that there are no criminal elements or illegal expressions in the article, that no illegal materials and methods were used during the research, and that all necessary permissions (if any) related to the study have been obtained.
5. Scope / Scope
The journal includes academic studies, reviews and book introductions that will contribute to the field of language and literature, especially Old Turkish Language, New Turkish Language, Old Turkish Literature, New Turkish Literature, Turkish Folk Literature, Turkish Islamic Literature, Contemporary Turkish Dialects, Turkish Teaching, Teaching Turkish to Foreigners, Turkish Folklore Studies, Comparative Literature, Linguistics, Turkology.

6. Publication Language and Spelling
- Although the publication language of the journal is Turkish, the journal also includes studies written in different languages. The abstract of the studies written in a foreign language should be in Turkish.
- It is obligatory to comply with the rules of grammar (spelling, punctuation, clarity, comprehensibility, etc.) to the maximum extent in the studies submitted to the journal. The author is fully responsible for problems and criticisms arising from spelling and punctuation. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as basis, except in cases where the study or subject is mandatory.

7. Journal Plagiarism Policy
A similarity report should be uploaded to the system with the manuscripts submitted to our journal. The iThenticate programme should preferably be used for plagiarism detection. Through this system, it is confirmed that the articles have not been published anywhere before or do not contain any plagiarism. In cases where the plagiarism report is high due to special circumstances (derivation from thesis, etc.), this situation should be notified to the journal editor in advance, and the article should be uploaded to the system if the journal editor approves. Apart from this, articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% are considered plagiarised and rejected.

International Journal of Filologia started its publication life as a free of charge ‘International Refereed Journal’ in 2018. No fee is charged for the articles sent to our journal for publication and published in our journal.

International Journal of Filologia (IJOF), which operates within ULAKBIM-DERGİPARK, is an International Refereed, Scientific Journal published in the field of Philology.